Can I get a show of hands who thinks locking Kindsay in her room at night is the best thing for her (us)? No takers? Allow me to plead my case.
How does waking up to fine, white dog hair all over the kitchen floor because your child took the Shetland and placed her on the kitchen table and took a pair of scissors to her fur?
How does waking up to a room full of knocked over table trays scattereed carelessly near your 67" t.v. sound?
What about realizing she left your $600 device on all night that if burns out will not be fixable, only need replacing?
How does waking up in the morning to dirty dishes in each room (3 total downstairs), stacked on your furniture along with all associated trash sound?
What about walking first thing into the kitchen in the morning, only to find every single cabinet door open like a scene from Poltergeist?
Well, that was Greg's morning the other day...not one of them--ALL of them. It's hard enough to get up in the morning and battle it out with a child who didn't sleep all night and won't get up willingly to catch a bus that comes at a certain time and only waits 3 minutes before it leaves, only to then add having to clean up after a wild night of subconscience reeling without having gotten up any earlier for work and your other two children. then...
Can I get a show of hands who thinks locking Kindsay in her room at night is the best thing for her (us)?
Well now, that's more like it.